Embracing a Greener Future: RoEx's Commitment to Combatting Climate Change

2 de jan. de 2024

Happy New Year to our beloved community of musicians, producers, and tech enthusiasts! As we embark on 2024, it's a time of reflection and new beginnings. At RoEx, this new year brings with it an exciting and heartfelt commitment towards a cause that resonates deeply with us all – the fight against climate change.

I am proud to announce that RoEx has joined the Stripe Climate program. This significant step involves dedicating 1% of all our revenue to advance critical carbon removal technologies. It's a move that transcends our daily operations, reflecting a deep-rooted conviction in our team and myself.

This decision was profoundly influenced by my personal experiences during the recent holiday season. While hiking through the awe-inspiring Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, I was captivated by the natural beauty surrounding me. The breathtaking vistas of rolling hills and rugged coastlines served as a stark reminder of what's at stake in our battle against climate change. The serenity and majesty of these landscapes reinforced my belief in the urgent need to protect and preserve our planet.

Carbon removal technology, although still in its infancy, is a crucial piece in the puzzle of climate strategy. By investing in these technologies, we're not just anticipating a future need; we're actively helping to shape a solution. It's about taking responsibility for the carbon footprint we generate and doing our part to mitigate it.

As we integrate this commitment into our business model, we invite our community to join us in this endeavour. Every interaction with RoEx now carries with it a promise – a promise to contribute to a sustainable future.

The journey towards a more sustainable future is long and requires collective effort. At RoEx, we're committed to playing our part in this global movement. Together, with each step we take, we can make a real difference in safeguarding our planet for future generations.

For those interested in learning more about our initiative and how you can contribute, visit https://climate.stripe.com/GeTQpD

Let's make 2024 a year of hope, action, and positive change for our world!